Tanvic Tyres

Firestone Tyres

Firestone Tyres
It may be Bridgestone’s second line tyre but Firestone is a major player in the agricultural tyre market and is making a notable impression with their passenger vehicle, motorcycle, light truck and speciality tyres.

With the integration of the technology derived from Bridgestone products, Firestone offers an outstanding value-for-money / technology mix that places them ahead of competitors.

Firestone Tyres

At the Firestone R&D facilities around the world, engineers work with the very latest technology and materials to design tyres for all conditions. Thanks to their extensive knowledge of European road conditions, they work continuously to develop tyres to ensure they meet the specific European requirements.

The Firestone range includes:

Passenger Cars – outstanding performance steering response and handling in all conditions for all types of passenger car. Summer, winter and high performance variants available.

Vans – robust, durable, high mileage tyres with winter and Nordic winter variants also available for increased traction in snowy and wet conditions.

Trucks and Buses – vast range to cover all trucks and all road conditions and terrains. Cost effective solutions utilising the latest technologies for optimum performance in any season.

Agricultural – diverse range to match the specialised and more specific needs of farmers.
Industrial – tyres for light industrial use featuring special cut/tear resistance compounds for lasting performance

Tanvic Tyres stock the entire range of Firestone Tyres at very competitive prices

Click here to reserve your Firestone Tyres online now